Fraser signs Commitment Charter (5 May 2022)

Fraser is proud to be among the first to sign the Commitment Charter of the new Monaco Capital of Advanced Yachting initiative…
The initiative is headed by the Yacht Club de Monaco and supported by HSH Prince Albert II, the mission behind this is to share with the world the many ideas and actions that Monaco is putting in place to lead the way in making a difference in innovative and sustainable yachting.
H.E. Mr Pierre Dartout, Minister of State (for the Principality) explained: “The vision is simple: Monaco must always be ahead on economic and environmental issues. We must mobilise all stakeholders. It is an essential factor in our economy’s appeal to business, as the Principality offers an exceptional network of all professions operating in this industry”. The sector generates revenues in excess of €700 million, with 252 companies based in the Principality and 1,561 people employed on land. – Business – Fraser signs Commitment Charter

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