Two leading Mediterranean superyacht refit and repair groups have expanded their docking facilities to enhance their capacity and range of services provided. The two new docks represent a multi-million euro investment by both companies – Amico & Co in Genoa and the Melita Marine Group in Malta.
Pierre Balzan, managing director of Melita Marine, told SB: “We have spent a few million euros on the dock and the associated project. It has been with us since May and is full most of the time. We found the dock through research and it came from the Ukraine. We are always looking for additions like this.”
The dock has been busy about 90% of the time with yachts,” he added. “It has a lifting capacity of 5,000 tonnes and an internal beam of 20m (66ft), so can accommodate superyachts of 100m (328ft) or more. With the dock’s delivery, Malta and Melita can offer superyacht owners a complete package of services as we have dedicated teams for all repairs and related services such as painting. We are also the local agent for brands such as MTU and, with our 130-strong workforce, it is all provided in-house.”
Amico has invested €6m in its new 102m (335ft) covered dry dock, which the company is using to repair, maintain and refit superyachts. The company has facilities for handling yachts up to 140m (460ft) and the new dock has been constructed in 16 months as part of the on-going investment in infrastructure, which totals some €13m over the last five years.
The company sees the new dock as important not only for its own activities, but also as a significant addition to the superyacht facilities in Liguria. Amico estimates that each refit benefits the local economy to the tune of eight times the value of the repairs or refit. Since it was inaugurated in September, some nine out of the near 20 projects involving superyachts of 50m (164ft) that the yard has been active on have used the new dock.
In a press statement from the recent formal opening of the dock, Amico stated: “The new 102m dry-dock has been designed and built in 16 months. It is equipped with a retractable shed, heating, ventilation and emission treatment systems for painting work.”
Based on its investment over the past 20 years and specialist workforce, Amico considers itself as one of the top three players in the global superyacht refit and repair market. In addition to the dock, another €1m was spent during the last 18 months on increasing the electrical dock system in the shipyard from 1.9MW to 3.5MW.
Amico focuses on repairing and refitting superyachts from 60-140m (197ft-460ft). The statement indicated that Amico has “become one of the most important players, thanks to the investments in facilities, human resources, quality standards, and in the relationship with customers. Reliability is the first quality recognised by our customers and this is our first marketing tool.”