Following a market research project about the region, The Superyacht Agency shares some of its findings…
The Balearic region is a well-established superyacht hub that has a reputation for varied cruising and quality refit and berthing infrastructure. In order to develop a long-term investment strategy for the region’s superyacht proposition, the Balearic Marine Cluster has been working in collaboration with The Superyacht Agency to undertake an on-going market research project.
The first phase of the project was to understand the market’s perception of the Balearics, and therefore identify how its further growth as a superyacht hub could be achieved. To do this, The Superyacht Agency analysed migratory data and surveyed a wide demographic of key industry stakeholders, which elicited candid insight about the region’s operational, refit and berthing proposition. – The Superyacht Forum – Shaping the future of the Balear